AOS_DM-49211 ComCam N donuts technote#
In this document we investigate the effect of choosing a different number of donut pairs per LsstComCam detector for wavefront retrieval using Danish or TIE algorithms. We also test the impact of binning the image data.
Last verified to run: 02/27/2025
lsst_distrib w_2025_08 (ext, cvmfs)
ts_wep v13.4.1
from astropy.table import Table
from astropy.visualization import ZScaleInterval
import astropy.units as u
from copy import copy
from lsst.daf.butler import Butler
from lsst.ts.wep.utils import makeDense, makeSparse,convertZernikesToPsfWidth
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
Input data#
We use the existing donut stamps in /repo/main
, collection u/brycek/aosBaseline_step1a
. This run ISR
and ts_wep
donut detection and cutouts on the ComCam data where exposure.observation_type = 'cwfs'
. The pipetask used step1a
of comCamBaselineUSDF_Danish.yaml , which imports [comCamBaselineUSDF_Danish.yaml])( . The combined pipeline config for step1a
instrument: lsst.obs.lsst.LsstComCam
class: lsst.ip.isr.IsrTaskLSST
# Although we don't have to apply the amp offset corrections, we do want
# to compute them for analyzeAmpOffsetMetadata to report on as metrics.
doAmpOffset: True
ampOffset.doApplyAmpOffset: False
# Turn off slow steps in ISR
doBrighterFatter: False
# Mask saturated pixels,
# but turn off quadratic crosstalk because it's currently broken
doSaturation: True
crosstalk.doQuadraticCrosstalkCorrection: False
class: lsst.ts.wep.task.generateDonutDirectDetectTask.GenerateDonutDirectDetectTask
donutSelector.useCustomMagLimit: True
donutSelector.sourceLimit: -1
class: lsst.ts.wep.task.cutOutDonutsScienceSensorTask.CutOutDonutsScienceSensorTask
python: |
from lsst.ts.wep.task.pairTask import GroupPairer
donutStampSize: 200
initialCutoutPadding: 40
This resulted in 22452
unique dataset references with donutStampsExtra
, donutStampsIntra
(i.e. combinations of exposure - detector data elements that cab be accessed by butler).
Data Processing#
The above was processed using batch processing service (bps) at the US Data Facility (USDF). Following the ssh
to s3df
and one of the submission nodes (eg. sdfiana012
), we setup the LSST Science Pipelines and the AOS packages. Ensuring the presence of site_bps.yaml
in the submission directory containing
+Walltime: 7200
we obtain gliein nodes with -v -n 15 -c 64 -m 60:00:00 -q milano -g 1800 s3df --account rubin:commissioning
The basis of employed pipetask configs are comCamBaselineUSDF_Danish.yaml and comCamBaselineUSDF_TIE.yaml.
These were used to create lsstComCamPipelineDanish.yaml
description: rerun lsstComCam Danish baseline with different binning
instrument: lsst.obs.lsst.LsstComCam
class: lsst.ts.wep.task.calcZernikesTask.CalcZernikesTask
python: |
from lsst.ts.wep.task import EstimateZernikesDanishTask
donutStampSelector.maxFracBadPixels: 2.0e-4
estimateZernikes.binning: 1
[4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28]
estimateZernikes.saveHistory: False
ftol: 1.0e-3
xtol: 1.0e-3
gtol: 1.0e-3
donutStampSelector.maxSelect: -1
class: lsst.donut.viz.AggregateZernikeTablesTask
class: lsst.donut.viz.AggregateDonutTablesTask
python: |
from lsst.ts.wep.task.pairTask import GroupPairer
class: lsst.donut.viz.AggregateAOSVisitTableTask
class: lsst.donut.viz.PlotAOSTask
doRubinTVUpload: false
class: lsst.donut.viz.AggregateDonutStampsTask
class: lsst.donut.viz.PlotDonutTask
doRubinTVUpload: false
and lsstComCamPipelineTie.yaml
description: rerun lsstComCam TIE baseline with different binning
instrument: lsst.obs.lsst.LsstComCam
class: lsst.ts.wep.task.calcZernikesTask.CalcZernikesTask
estimateZernikes.binning: 1
estimateZernikes.nollIndices: [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28]
estimateZernikes.convergeTol: 10.0e-9
estimateZernikes.compGain: 0.75
estimateZernikes.compSequence: [4, 4, 6, 6, 13, 13, 13, 13]
estimateZernikes.maxIter: 50
estimateZernikes.requireConverge: True
estimateZernikes.saveHistory: False
estimateZernikes.maskKwargs: { "doMaskBlends": False }
donutStampSelector.maxFracBadPixels: 2.0e-4
donutStampSelector.maxSelect: -1
class: lsst.donut.viz.AggregateZernikeTablesTask
class: lsst.donut.viz.AggregateDonutTablesTask
python: |
from lsst.ts.wep.task.pairTask import GroupPairer
class: lsst.donut.viz.AggregateAOSVisitTableTask
class: lsst.donut.viz.PlotAOSTask
doRubinTVUpload: false
class: lsst.donut.viz.AggregateDonutStampsTask
class: lsst.donut.viz.PlotDonutTask
doRubinTVUpload: false
Main modification to the original ts_wep
pipeline was to set estimateZernikes.nollIndices
to be identical for Danish and TIE versions.
Image binning takes place at the image level, and is possible for both Danish and TIE algorithms. We change the image binning by seting estimateZernikes.binning
to 1
to 2
or 4
, creating _binning_1
, etc versions of each pipeline.
We submit all with bps for Danish
bps submit site_bps.yaml -b /repo/main -i u/brycek/aosBaseline_step1a,LSSTComCam/calib/unbounded -o u/scichris/aosBaseline_danish_binning_1 -p /sdf/data/rubin/shared/scichris/DM-48441_N_donuts_LsstComCam/lsstComCamPipelineDanish_binning_1.yaml
bps submit site_bps.yaml -b /repo/main -i u/brycek/aosBaseline_step1a,LSSTComCam/calib/unbounded -o u/scichris/aosBaseline_danish_binning_2 -p /sdf/data/rubin/shared/scichris/DM-48441_N_donuts_LsstComCam/lsstComCamPipelineDanish_binning_2.yaml
bps submit site_bps.yaml -b /repo/main -i u/brycek/aosBaseline_step1a,LSSTComCam/calib/unbounded -o u/scichris/aosBaseline_danish_binning_2 -p /sdf/data/rubin/shared/scichris/DM-48441_N_donuts_LsstComCam/lsstComCamPipelineDanish_binning_4.yaml
and TIE
bps submit site_bps.yaml -b /repo/main -i u/brycek/aosBaseline_step1a,LSSTComCam/calib/unbounded -o u/scichris/aosBaseline_tie_binning_1 -p /sdf/data/rubin/shared/scichris/DM-48441_N_donuts_LsstComCam/lsstComCamPipelineTie_binning_1.yaml
bps submit site_bps.yaml -b /repo/main -i u/brycek/aosBaseline_step1a,LSSTComCam/calib/unbounded -o u/scichris/aosBaseline_tie_binning_2 -p /sdf/data/rubin/shared/scichris/DM-48441_N_donuts_LsstComCam/lsstComCamPipelineTie_binning_2.yaml
bps submit site_bps.yaml -b /repo/main -i u/brycek/aosBaseline_step1a,LSSTComCam/calib/unbounded -o u/scichris/aosBaseline_tie_binning_4 -p /sdf/data/rubin/shared/scichris/DM-48441_N_donuts_LsstComCam/lsstComCamPipelineTie_binning_4.yaml
Sample Selection#
The initial dataset includes all data labelled as defocal:
butler = Butler("/repo/main")
input_collection = "u/brycek/aosBaseline_step1a" # only CWFS data, no in-focus visits
refs = butler.query_datasets('donutStampsExtra', collections=[input_collection], limit=None)
It corresponds to 2500
unique visits:
visits, count = np.unique(list(ref.dataId["visit"] for ref in refs), return_counts=True)
However, only 2474
have data for all 9 detectors at the same time:
good_visits = visits[np.where(count == 9)]
Each bps run above produced donutQualityTable
with data for both intra and extra-focal exposure in the same group, such as:
wep_collection = 'u/scichris/aosBaseline_danish_binning_1'
refs = butler.query_datasets('zernikes', collections=[wep_collection], limit=1)
donutQualityTable = butler.get('donutQualityTable', dataId=refs[0].dataId, collections=[wep_collection])
float64 | float64 | float64 | bool | bool | bool | bool | str5 |
5137.41357421875 | 1.31518296329074 | 0.0 | True | True | True | True | extra |
1318.29467773438 | 3.24980303079286 | 0.0 | True | True | True | True | extra |
978.061645507812 | 3.5127111308061 | 0.0 | False | True | True | False | extra |
924.204772949219 | 3.52984575330561 | 0.0 | False | True | True | False | extra |
791.558532714844 | 3.75901379543286 | 0.0 | False | True | True | False | extra |
631.46533203125 | 3.31381341436892 | 0.005 | False | True | False | False | extra |
334.626037597656 | 2.32123222657239 | 0.0 | False | True | True | False | extra |
223.067657470703 | 4.49808421420392 | 2.5e-05 | False | True | True | False | extra |
233.466537475586 | 4.49169522023213 | 0.0 | False | True | True | False | extra |
142.722442626953 | 4.40556159174376 | 0.0 | False | True | True | False | extra |
5142.23974609375 | 1.27319148309391 | 0.0 | True | True | True | True | intra |
1340.94848632812 | 3.15202365241799 | 0.0 | True | True | True | True | intra |
994.962219238281 | 3.43992347559336 | 0.0 | False | True | True | False | intra |
945.52685546875 | 3.42063182099552 | 0.0 | False | True | True | False | intra |
811.942993164062 | 3.71490886884899 | 0.0 | False | True | True | False | intra |
655.907043457031 | 3.21643181733389 | 0.005 | False | True | False | False | intra |
348.370086669922 | 4.1664336962741 | 0.0 | False | True | True | False | intra |
231.394226074219 | 4.46498867970844 | 2.5e-05 | False | True | True | False | intra |
242.606948852539 | 4.40485037864413 | 0.0 | False | True | True | False | intra |
148.424438476562 | 4.44528478940728 | 0.0 | False | True | True | False | intra |
Each donutQualityTable
is created by the donutStampSelector, called by calcZernikesTask
during wavefront estimation. It combines individual donut stamp information calculated by cutOutDonutsBase
during the cutout stage, and applies selection criteria (such as maxFracBadPixels
or maxEntropy
flag that passes only select donut stamp pairs to estimateZernikes
task. Using the FINAL_SELECT
column, we count the number of donuts per detector that were admitted in the Zernike estimation:
# Get information about how many donuts made it through selection criteria
# by reading all `donutQualityTables` :
butler = Butler('/repo/main')
wep_collection = 'u/scichris/aosBaseline_danish_binning_1'
# First , want to make sure that all detectors got processed per visit.
refs = butler.query_datasets('zernikes', collections=[wep_collection], limit=None)
visits, count = np.unique(list(ref.dataId["visit"] for ref in refs), return_counts=True)
#print(method, binning, len(visits))
good_visits = visits[np.where(count == 9)]
print(f'{len(good_visits)} / {len(visits)} have data for all detectors')
nDonutsQualityTable = []
nDonutsQualityTableIntra = []
nDonutsQualityTableExtra = []
visits = []
dets = []
for ref in tqdm(refs, desc="Processing"):
if ref.dataId["visit"] in good_visits:
# Note: there's one `donutQualityTable` for intra and extra-focal pair.
donutQualityTable = butler.get('donutQualityTable', dataId=ref.dataId, collections=[wep_collection])
donutQualityTableExtra = donutQualityTable[donutQualityTable['DEFOCAL_TYPE'] == 'extra']
donutQualityTableIntra = donutQualityTable[donutQualityTable['DEFOCAL_TYPE'] == 'intra']
#Store the full table:
donutQualityTableNdonuts = Table(data=[nDonutsQualityTable, nDonutsQualityTableIntra,
names=['Ndonuts', 'NdonutsIntra', 'NdonutsExtra',
'visit', 'detector'])
Of 2474
visits, 2457
have processed Zernike
data for all 9 detectors. We select a subset that has at least 9 donuts in each detector:
# Select only those visits where all detectors fulfill the criterion
good_visits = []
visits = np.unique(donutQualityTableNdonuts['visit'])
for visit in visits:
m = donutQualityTableNdonuts['visit'] == visit
sel = donutQualityTableNdonuts[m]
# the condition for minimum number of donuts must be met by all detectors
if np.sum(sel['NdonutsIntra'] > 8) == 9:
mask = np.in1d(donutQualityTableNdonuts['visit'] , good_visits)
donutQualityTableSel = donutQualityTableNdonuts[mask]
The table includes 5463
dataRefs, with 607
unique visits:
Data analysis#
We read all zernike
data for selected visits for simultaneous access:
butler = Butler('/repo/main')
fname = 'u_scichris_aosBaseline_danish1_donutQualityTable_N_donuts_all_det_select_good_new.txt'
donutQualityTableSel =, format='ascii')
selection = copy(donutQualityTableSel) # donutQualityTableNdonuts[donutQualityTableNdonuts['Ndonuts'] > 15]
# loading the results for N visits
visits_unique = np.unique(selection['visit'])
# these are skipped because results didn't work for all detectors for all methods
skip_visit =[2024110300085, 2024120200150, 2024120600341, 2024121000362, 2024120100423]
visits = visits_unique[~np.in1d(visits_unique, skip_visit)]
results_visit = {}
Nvisits = len(visits)
for visit in tqdm(visits[:Nvisits], desc="Processing"):
results_visit_danish_bin1 = {}
results_visit_danish_bin2 = {}
results_visit_danish_bin4 = {}
results_visit_tie_bin1 = {}
results_visit_tie_bin2 = {}
results_visit_tie_bin4 = {}
for detector in range(9):
dataId = {'instrument':'LSSTComCam', 'detector':detector,
results_visit_tie_bin1[detector] = butler.get('zernikes', dataId = dataId,
results_visit_tie_bin2[detector] = butler.get('zernikes', dataId = dataId,
results_visit_tie_bin4[detector] = butler.get('zernikes', dataId = dataId,
results_visit_danish_bin1[detector] = butler.get('zernikes', dataId = dataId,
results_visit_danish_bin2[detector] = butler.get('zernikes', dataId = dataId,
results_visit_danish_bin4[detector] = butler.get('zernikes', dataId = dataId,
results_visit[visit] = {'tie1':results_visit_tie_bin1,
file = f'u_scichris_aosBaseline_tie_danish_zernikes_tables_{Nvisits}.npy', results_visit, allow_pickle=True)
Add donut magnitude#
We add donut magnitude from source_flux
that is stored in each donutQualityTable
# Setup butler
butler = Butler('/repo/main')
# loading the results for 100 visits
#visits = np.unique(selection_clean['visit'])
results_visit_mags = {}
for visit in tqdm(visits_available, desc="Processing"):
results_mags = {}
for detector in range(9):
dataId = {'instrument':'LSSTComCam', 'detector':detector,
# somehow the "MAG" doesn't always get calculated at the `cutout` stage - get it from the
# corresponding donutTable
# It WAS in the `aos` repo, but not in `repo/main` ... I have no idea why
donutTableExtra = butler.get('donutTable', dataId=dataId, collections=['u/brycek/aosBaseline_step1a'])
donutQualityTable = butler.get('donutQualityTable', dataId=dataId, collections=['u/scichris/aosBaseline_tie_binning_1'])
extraDonuts = donutQualityTable[donutQualityTable['DEFOCAL_TYPE'] == 'extra']
extraDonuts['index'] = np.arange(len(extraDonuts))
#intraDonuts = donutQualityTable[donutQualityTable['DEFOCAL_TYPE'] == 'intra']
#intraDonuts['index'] = np.arange(len(intraDonuts))
#donutStampsIntra = butler.get('donutStampsIntra', dataId=dataId, collections=['u/brycek/aosBaseline_step1a'])
#donutStampsExtra = butler.get('donutStampsExtra', dataId=dataId, collections=['u/brycek/aosBaseline_step1a'])
extraIndices = extraDonuts[extraDonuts['FINAL_SELECT']]['index']
idxExtra = np.array(, dtype=int)
#donutStampsExtraSelect = np.array(donutStampsExtra)[idxExtra]
#donutStampsExtraMagSelect = np.array(donutStampsExtra.metadata.getArray('MAG'))[idxExtra]
donutTableExtraSelect = donutTableExtra[idxExtra]
mags = (donutTableExtra[idxExtra]['source_flux'].value * u.nJy).to_value(u.ABmag)
#intraIndices = intraDonuts[intraDonuts['FINAL_SELECT']]['index']
#idxIntra = np.array(, dtype=int)
#donutStampsIntraSelect = np.array(donutStampsIntra)[idxIntra]
#donutStampsIntraMagSelect = np.array(donutStampsIntra.metadata.getArray('MAG'))[idxIntra]
results_mags[detector] = { 'donutStampsExtraMag':mags}
results_visit_mags[visit] = results_mags
Nvisits = len(visits_available)
file = f'u_scichris_aosBaseline_tie_danish_mag_visit_{Nvisits}.npy', results_visit_mags, allow_pickle=True)
Increasing number of donuts#
We plot the average of N donuts pairs, as we start from N=1 (single donut pair), to N=9 (average of nine donut pairs). Each panel corresponds to an individual LsstComCam detector:
butler = Butler('/repo/main')
fname = 'u_scichris_aosBaseline_danish1_donutQualityTable_N_donuts_all_det_select_good_new.txt'
donutQualityTableSel =, format='ascii')
visits_with_zks = results_visit.keys()
visits_selected = np.unique(donutQualityTableSel['visit'])
visits_calculated = [int(vis) for vis in list(visits_with_zks)]
visits_available = visits_selected[np.isin(visits_selected, visits_calculated)]
visit = visits_available[0]
Nmin = 1
fig,axs = plt.subplots(3,3,figsize=(16,10))
ax = np.ravel(axs)
method = 'tie1'
for Nmax in range(1,10):
results = results_visit[visit][method]
# iterate over detectors
for i in range(9):
zernikes = results[i]
# select only those zernikes that were actually used
#zernikes = zernikes_all[zernikes_all['used'] == True]
if Nmax+1 <= len(zernikes):
# Select row or a range of rows
rows = zernikes[Nmin:Nmax]
# read off which modes were fitted
zk_cols = [col for col in zernikes.columns if col.startswith('Z')]
zk_modes = [int(col[1:]) for col in zk_cols]
zk_fit_nm_median = [np.median(rows[col].value) for col in zk_cols]
ax[i].plot(zk_modes, zk_fit_nm_median, marker='d', label=f'<{Nmax} pairs> ')
ax[i].axhline(0,ls='--', c='red')
raise ValueError(f'Nmax= {Nmax} > {len(zernikes)} ')
# Also plot the stored average value which is the 0th row
for i in range(9):
# select zernikes for that detector
zernikes = results_visit[visit][method][i]
# select the average
rows = zernikes[0]
zk_fit_nm_median = [np.median(rows[col].value) for col in zk_cols]
ax[i].plot(zk_modes, zk_fit_nm_median, marker='d', lw=3, c='red', label='stored average',
ax[2].legend(bbox_to_anchor = [1.5,0.5])
fig.text(0.5,0.05, 'Zk mode')
fig.text(0.05,0.5,' Zk value [nm]', rotation='vertical')
fig.suptitle(f'DM-48441: comCam, visit {visit}, N donuts, {method} ')
Text(0.5, 0.98, 'DM-48441: comCam, visit 2024102700017, N donuts, tie1 ')

As we see, on an absolute scale the deviations are very small. Illustrate their range by plotting the deviation from the average using all 9 donuts:
Nmin = 1
fig,axs = plt.subplots(3,3,figsize=(16,10))
ax = np.ravel(axs)
for Nmax in range(1,9):
# plot for each detector just the first donut pair
for i in range(9):
# read off which modes were fitted
zernikes = results_visit[visit][method][i]
zk_cols = [col for col in zernikes.columns if col.startswith('Z')]
zk_modes = [int(col[1:]) for col in zk_cols]
# Calculate the final average of N donut pairs
rows = zernikes[Nmin:10]
zk_fit_nm_avg = [np.median(rows[col].value) for col in zk_cols]
if Nmax+1 <= len(zernikes):
# Select row or a range of rows
rows = zernikes[Nmin:Nmax+1]
# read off which modes were fitted
zk_cols = [col for col in zernikes.columns if col.startswith('Z')]
zk_modes = [int(col[1:]) for col in zk_cols]
zk_fit_nm_median = [np.median(rows[col].value) for col in zk_cols]
ax[i].plot(zk_modes, np.array(zk_fit_nm_median) - np.array(zk_fit_nm_avg), marker='d', label=f'<{Nmax} pairs>-avg ')
ax[i].axhline(0,ls='--', c='red')
raise ValueError(f'Nmax= {Nmax} > {len(zernikes)} ')
ax[2].legend(bbox_to_anchor=[1.,0.6], title='<N donuts> - average')
fig.text(0.5,0.05, 'Zk mode')
fig.text(0.05,0.5, r'$\Delta$'+'Zk value [nm]', rotation='vertical')
fig.suptitle(f'DM-48441: comCam, visit {visit}, N donuts, {method} ')
Text(0.5, 0.98, 'DM-48441: comCam, visit 2024102700017, N donuts, tie1 ')

We can summarize that by plotting for each visit the RMS difference between average using N-donut pairs (with N:1,2,3,4, etc) and N=9 (final average). This correspons to the speed of convergence to the final result:
Nmin = 1 # row 0 is the average
NmaxValue = 10
fig,axs = plt.subplots(3,3,figsize=(16,10))
ax = np.ravel(axs)
# iterate over detectors
for i in range(9):
zernikes = results_visit[visit][method][i]
# read the available names of Zk mode columns
zk_cols = [col for col in zernikes.columns if col.startswith('Z')]
zk_modes = [int(col[1:]) for col in zk_cols]
# Calculate the final average of N donut pairs
rows = zernikes[Nmin:NmaxValue]
zk_fit_nm_avg = [np.median(rows[col].value) for col in zk_cols]
rms_diffs_per_det = []
# iterate over how many donut pairs to include in the average
for Nmax in range(1,NmaxValue):
if Nmax+1 <= len(zernikes):
# Select row or a range of rows
rows = zernikes[Nmin:Nmax+1]
# read off which modes were fitted
zk_fit_nm_median = [np.median(rows[col].value) for col in zk_cols]
rms_diff = np.sqrt(
np.array(zk_fit_nm_avg) - np.array(zk_fit_nm_median)
raise ValueError(f'Nmax= {Nmax} > {len(zernikes)} ')
# plot the RMS diff for each detector
ax[i].plot(range(Nmin,NmaxValue), rms_diffs_per_det, marker='d', )
ax[i].axhline(0,ls='--', c='red')
#ax[2].legend(bbox_to_anchor=[1.,0.6], title='<N donuts> - average')
fig.text(0.5,0.05, 'N donut pairs')
fig.text(0.05,0.5, r'$\Delta$ RMS'+'Zk value (all pairs)-N pairs [nm]', rotation='vertical')
fig.suptitle(f'DM-48441: comCam, visit {visit}, N donuts, {method} ')
Text(0.5, 0.98, 'DM-48441: comCam, visit 2024102700017, N donuts, tie1 ')

We can calculate this metric for all visits, expressing RMS in both nm and asec:
# calculation of RMS diff
NmaxValue = 10
rms_visit = {}
rms_visit_asec = {}
count =0
for visit in tqdm(visits_available, desc='Calculating'):
rms_diffs = {}
rms_diffs_asec = {}
for method in results_visit[visit].keys():
results = results_visit[visit][method]
rms_diffs[method] = {}
rms_diffs_asec[method] = {}
for i in range(9):
zernikes_all = results[i]
# select only those zernikes that were actually used
zernikes = zernikes_all[zernikes_all['used'] == True]
# read the available names of Zk mode columns
zk_cols = [col for col in zernikes.columns if col.startswith('Z')]
# read off which modes were fitted
zk_modes = [int(col[1:]) for col in zk_cols]
# select not the stored average,
# but calculate average using all available donuts
all_rows = zernikes[Nmin:NmaxValue]
zk_fit_avg_nm = [np.median(all_rows[col].value) for col in zk_cols]
zk_fit_avg_nm_dense = makeDense(zk_fit_avg_nm, zk_modes)
zk_fit_avg_asec_dense = convertZernikesToPsfWidth(1e-3*zk_fit_avg_nm_dense)
zk_fit_avg_asec = makeSparse(zk_fit_avg_asec_dense, zk_modes)
rms_diffs_per_det = []
rms_diffs_per_det_asec = []
# iterate over how many donut pairs to include in the average
for Nmax in range(1,NmaxValue):
if Nmax+1 <= len(zernikes):
# Select row or a range of rows
rows = zernikes[Nmin:Nmax+1]
zk_fit_median_nm = [np.median(rows[col].value) for col in zk_cols]
zk_fit_median_nm_dense = makeDense(zk_fit_median_nm, zk_modes)
zk_fit_median_asec_dense = convertZernikesToPsfWidth(1e-3*zk_fit_median_nm_dense)
zk_fit_median_asec = makeSparse(zk_fit_median_asec_dense, zk_modes)
rms_diff = np.sqrt(
np.array(zk_fit_avg_nm) - np.array(zk_fit_median_nm)
rms_diff_asec = np.sqrt(
np.array(zk_fit_avg_asec) - np.array(zk_fit_median_asec)
rms_diffs[method][i] = rms_diffs_per_det
rms_diffs_asec[method][i] = rms_diffs_per_det_asec
# store the results for both methods per visit
rms_visit[visit] = rms_diffs
rms_visit_asec[visit] = rms_diffs_asec
count +=1
Nvisits = len(visits_available)
file = f'u_scichris_aosBaseline_tie_danish_rms_visit_{Nvisits}.npy', rms_visit, allow_pickle=True)
file = f'u_scichris_aosBaseline_tie_danish_rms_visit_asec_{Nvisits}.npy', rms_visit_asec, allow_pickle=True)
Now, for each visit there is a comparison for different calculation methods and binning used:
file = f'u_scichris_aosBaseline_tie_danish_rms_visit_{Nvisits}.npy'
rms_visit = np.load(file, allow_pickle=True).item()
file = f'u_scichris_aosBaseline_tie_danish_rms_visit_asec_{Nvisits}.npy'
rms_visit_asec = np.load(file, allow_pickle=True).item()
# plotting
Nmin = 1
fig,axs = plt.subplots(3,3,figsize=(16,10))
ax = np.ravel(axs)
visit = list(rms_visit.keys())[0]
for method in results_visit[visit].keys():
results = results_visit[visit][method]
# iterate over detectors
for i in range(9):
# plot the RMS diff for each detector
rms_per_det = rms_visit[visit][method][i]
ax[i].plot(range(1,len(rms_per_det)+1), rms_per_det, marker='d', label=f'{visit} {method}')
ax[2].legend(bbox_to_anchor=[1.,0.6], title='')
fig.text(0.5,0.05, 'N donut pairs')
fig.text(0.05,0.5, r'$\Delta$ RMS'+'Zk value (all pairs)-N pairs [nm]', rotation='vertical')
fig.suptitle(f'DM-48441: comCam, visit {visit}, N donuts, all methods ')
Text(0.5, 0.98, 'DM-48441: comCam, visit 2024102700017, N donuts, all methods ')

# plotting
Nmin = 1
fig,axs = plt.subplots(3,3,figsize=(16,10))
ax = np.ravel(axs)
visit = list(rms_visit.keys())[0]
for method in results_visit[visit].keys():
results = results_visit[visit][method]
# iterate over detectors
for i in range(9):
# plot the RMS diff for each detector
rms_per_det = rms_visit_asec[visit][method][i]
ax[i].plot(range(1,len(rms_per_det)+1), rms_per_det, marker='d', label=f'{visit} {method}')
ax[2].legend(bbox_to_anchor=[1.,0.6], title='')
fig.text(0.5,0.05, 'N donut pairs')
fig.text(0.05,0.5, r'$\Delta$ RMS'+'Zk value (all pairs)-N pairs [asec]', rotation='vertical')
fig.suptitle(f'DM-48441: comCam, visit {visit}, N donuts, all methods ')
Text(0.5, 0.98, 'DM-48441: comCam, visit 2024102700017, N donuts, all methods ')

This rapidity of convergence can be summarized for each binning by taking an average across all visits:
all_visits_rms_per_method = {}
for method in results_visit[visit].keys():
all_visits_rms_per_det = {}
for i in range(9):
all_visits_rms_per_det[i] = []
for visit in rms_visit.keys():
# plot the RMS diff for each detector
rms_per_det = rms_visit[visit][method][i]
if len(rms_per_det) == 8:
all_visits_rms_per_method[method] = all_visits_rms_per_det
all_visits_rms_per_method_asec = {}
for method in results_visit[visit].keys():
all_visits_rms_per_det_asec = {}
for i in range(9):
all_visits_rms_per_det_asec[i] = []
for visit in rms_visit_asec.keys():
# plot the RMS diff for each detector
rms_per_det = rms_visit_asec[visit][method][i]
if len(rms_per_det) == 8:
all_visits_rms_per_method_asec[method] = all_visits_rms_per_det_asec
Nvisits = len(list(rms_visit.keys()))
fig,axs = plt.subplots(3,3,figsize=(16,10))
ax = np.ravel(axs)
for method in results_visit[visit].keys():
for i in range(9):
ax[i].plot(range(1,9), np.nanmedian(all_visits_rms_per_method[method][i], axis=0), lw = 10, alpha=0.4,
label=f'median {method}')
ax[i].axhline(0,ls='--', c='red')
ax[2].legend(bbox_to_anchor=[1.,0.6], title='')
fig.text(0.5,0.05, 'N donut pairs')
fig.text(0.05,0.5, 'median ('+ r'$\Delta$ RMS'+' Zk value (all pairs)-N pairs ) [nm]', rotation='vertical')
fig.suptitle(f'DM-48441: comCam, {Nvisits} visits, N donuts, TIE & Danish different binning ')
Text(0.5, 0.98, 'DM-48441: comCam, 604 visits, N donuts, TIE & Danish different binning ')

Nvisits = len(list(rms_visit.keys()))
fig,axs = plt.subplots(3,3,figsize=(16,10))
ax = np.ravel(axs)
for method in results_visit[visit].keys():
for i in range(9):
ax[i].plot(range(1,9), np.nanmedian(all_visits_rms_per_method_asec[method][i], axis=0), lw = 10, alpha=0.4,
label=f'median {method}')
ax[i].set_ylim(-0.001, 0.021)
ax[i].axhline(0,ls='--', c='red')
ax[2].legend(bbox_to_anchor=[1.,0.6], title='')
fig.text(0.5,0.05, 'N donut pairs')
fig.text(0.05,0.5, 'median ('+ r'$\Delta$ RMS'+' Zk value (all pairs)-N pairs ) [asec]', rotation='vertical')
fig.suptitle(f'DM-48441: comCam, {Nvisits} visits, N donuts, TIE & Danish different binning ')
Text(0.5, 0.98, 'DM-48441: comCam, 604 visits, N donuts, TIE & Danish different binning ')

This shows us that, on average, Danish even with 2x binning achieves the final answer with less initial deviation than TIE. We can also plot different magnitude ranges:
Nvisits = 604
file = f'u_scichris_aosBaseline_tie_danish_mag_visit_{Nvisits}.npy'
results_visit_mags = np.load(file , allow_pickle=True).item()
visits = []
visit_mean_mag = []
Ndonuts = 9 # we take the mean only of the fisrt 9 donuts
for visit in results_visit_mags.keys():
mean_per_det = []
for detector in range(9):
mags = results_visit_mags[visit][detector]['donutStampsExtraMag']
if len(mags) < Ndonuts:
mean_mag_per_det = np.mean(mags[:len(mags)])
mean_mag_per_det = np.mean(mags[:Ndonuts])
results_visit_mags[visit][detector][f'mean_{Ndonuts}_donuts']= mean_mag_per_det
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7,5), dpi=150)
plt.hist(visit_mean_mag, histtype='step', bins=23)
plt.xlabel('Mean visit magnitude for N brightest donuts ')
plt.axvline(12, ls='--',c='red')
plt.axvline(13, ls='--',c='red')
<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f53f4170260>

mag_ranges = [0,12,13,20]
mag_labels = [r'$\langle$'+'mag'+r'$\rangle$'+' < 12',
'12 < '+r'$\langle$'+'mag'+r'$\rangle$'+' < 13',
'13 < '+r'$\langle$'+'mag'
for idx in range(len(mag_ranges)-1):
mag_min = mag_ranges[idx]
mag_max = mag_ranges[idx+1]
selected_visits = np.array(visits)[(mag_min < np.array(visit_mean_mag) ) * (np.array(visit_mean_mag) < mag_max)]
all_visits_rms_per_method_asec = {}
for method in results_visit[visit].keys():
all_visits_rms_per_det_asec = {}
for i in range(9):
all_visits_rms_per_det_asec[i] = []
for visit in selected_visits:
# plot the RMS diff for each detector
rms_per_det = rms_visit_asec[visit][method][i]
#print(visit, i, len(rms_per_det))
if len(rms_per_det) == 8:
all_visits_rms_per_method_asec[method] = all_visits_rms_per_det_asec
Nvisits = len(list(selected_visits))
fig,axs = plt.subplots(3,3,figsize=(16,10))
ax = np.ravel(axs)
for method in results_visit[visit].keys():
for i in range(9):
ax[i].plot(range(1,9), np.nanmedian(all_visits_rms_per_method_asec[method][i], axis=0), lw = 10, alpha=0.4,
label=f'median {method}')
ax[i].set_ylim(-0.001, 0.021)
ax[i].axhline(0,ls='--', c='red')
ax[2].legend(bbox_to_anchor=[1.,0.6], title='')
fig.text(0.5,0.05, 'N donut pairs')
fig.text(0.05,0.5, 'median ('+ r'$\Delta$ RMS'+' Zk value (all pairs)-N pairs ) [asec]', rotation='vertical')
fig.suptitle(f'DM-48441: comCam, {Nvisits} visits, '+mag_labels[idx]+ ', TIE & Danish different binning ')

As we would expect, the brighter the donuts, the quicker the convergence to the final answer. Danish with (red and purple lines) outperforms TIE for edge detectors, but for center detector Danish with x2 binning achieves similar performance as TIE. Note however, that the “final answer” may be different for each binning, as each binning results in a slightly different wavefront estimation. Therefore, in the next section we address what is the difference between the average of 9 donut pairs for each binning method.
Median of N donuts: same visit, different binning#
To compare Zernikes for the same visit but different binning levels, we average across 9 brightest donuts per detector:
fname = f'u_scichris_aosBaseline_tie_danish_zernikes_tables_604.npy'
results_visit = np.load(fname, allow_pickle=True).item()
# plotting
Nmin = 1
Nmax = 10
fig,axs = plt.subplots(3,3,figsize=(16,10))
ax = np.ravel(axs)
visit = list(results_visit.keys())[2]
for method in results_visit[visit].keys():
results = results_visit[visit][method]
# iterate over detectors
for i in range(9):
zernikes_all = results[i]
# select only those zernikes that were actually used
zernikes = zernikes_all[zernikes_all['used'] == True]
# read the available names of Zk mode columns
zk_cols = [col for col in zernikes.columns if col.startswith('Z')]
zk_modes = [int(col[1:]) for col in zk_cols]
# select not the stored average, which uses potentially all donuts
# per detector, but instead calculate average using all available donuts
all_rows = zernikes[Nmin:Nmax]
zk_fit_nm_median = [np.median(all_rows[col].value) for col in zk_cols]
ax[i].plot(zk_modes, np.array(zk_fit_nm_median), marker='d', label=f'{visit} {method}')
ax[2].legend(bbox_to_anchor=[1.,0.6], title='')
fig.text(0.5,0.05, 'Zk mode')
fig.text(0.05,0.5, r'Mean Zk value [nm]', rotation='vertical')
fig.suptitle(f'DM-48441: comCam, visit {visit}, N donuts, all methods ')
Text(0.5, 0.98, 'DM-48441: comCam, visit 2024102500123, N donuts, all methods ')

We find the RMS difference between average of 9 donut pairs with no binning, vs various binning settings.
def find_avg_zernikes_N_pairs(zernikes_all, Nmin=0, Nmax=10):
# select only those zernikes that were actually used
zernikes = zernikes_all[zernikes_all['used'] == True]
# read the available names of Zk mode columns
zk_cols = [col for col in zernikes.columns if col.startswith('Z')]
# select not the stored average,
# but calculate average using all available donuts
#print(f'For detector {i} there are {len(zernikes)} donut pairs available')
all_rows = zernikes[Nmin:Nmax]
zk_fit_nm_avg = [np.median(all_rows[col].value) for col in zk_cols]
return zk_fit_nm_avg
# calculation of RMS diff
zk_diff_tie_danish = {}
for met in ['tie', 'danish']:
zk_diff_all_visits = {}
count =0
for visit in tqdm(visits_available):
zk_diff_per_visit = {}
#print(f'Calculating RMS for visit {count} / {Nvisits}')
for method in [f'{met}2', f'{met}4']:
results_binned = results_visit[visit][method]
results_base = results_visit[visit][f'{met}1']
zk_diff_per_visit[method] = {}
for i in range(9):
# Find the mean for the baseline method
zk_fit_nm_avg_base = find_avg_zernikes_N_pairs(results_base[i])
zk_fit_nm_avg_base_dense = makeDense(zk_fit_nm_avg_base, zk_modes)
zk_fit_asec_base_dense = convertZernikesToPsfWidth(1e-3*zk_fit_nm_avg_base_dense)
zk_fit_asec_base_sparse = makeSparse(zk_fit_asec_base_dense, zk_modes)
# Find the mean for the binned method
zk_fit_nm_avg_binned = find_avg_zernikes_N_pairs(results_binned[i])
zk_fit_nm_avg_binned_dense = makeDense(zk_fit_nm_avg_binned, zk_modes)
zk_fit_asec_binned_dense = convertZernikesToPsfWidth(1e-3*zk_fit_nm_avg_binned_dense)
zk_fit_asec_binned_sparse = makeSparse(zk_fit_asec_binned_dense, zk_modes)
# Calculate the RMS difference between the two
rms_diff = np.sqrt(
np.array(zk_fit_nm_avg_base) - np.array(zk_fit_nm_avg_binned)
# Calculate the same in ASEC
rms_diff_asec = np.sqrt(
np.array(zk_fit_asec_base_sparse) - np.array(zk_fit_asec_binned_sparse)
# Store both the per-mode differences and the RMS which is a single
# number per visit - detector
zk_diff_per_visit[method][i] = {'zk_no_binning_avg': zk_fit_nm_avg_base,
# store the results for both methods per visit
zk_diff_all_visits[visit] = zk_diff_per_visit
count +=1
zk_diff_tie_danish[met] = zk_diff_all_visits
100%|██████████| 604/604 [00:34<00:00, 17.29it/s]
100%|██████████| 604/604 [00:35<00:00, 17.10it/s]
We plot the difference between baseline for single visit:
# plotting
Nmin = 1
fig,axs = plt.subplots(3,3,figsize=(16,10))
ax = np.ravel(axs)
#visit = list(rms_visit.keys())[0]
#for visit in rms_visit.keys()[0]:
#if visit not in [2024121000551]:
for method in [ 'danish2', 'danish4',]:#'tie'] : #rms_visit[visit].keys():
results = zk_diff_all_visits[visit][method]
# iterate over detectors
for i in range(9):
# plot the RMS diff for each detector
#rms_per_det = rms_visit[visit][method][i]
zernikes_avg_no_bin = results[i]['zk_no_binning_avg']
zernikes_avg_bin = results[i]['zk_with_binning_avg']
# zk_fit_nm_median = [np.median(rows[col].value) for col in zk_cols]
ax[i].plot(zk_modes, np.array(zernikes_avg_bin), marker='d', label=f'{visit} {method}')
ax[i].plot(zk_modes, np.array(zernikes_avg_no_bin), marker='d', label=f'{visit} baseline')
# ax[i].plot(range(1,len(zk_fit_nm_avg)+1), zk_fit_nm_avg, marker='d', label=f'{visit} {method}')
# overplot the median across various visits
#for i in range(9):
## ax[i].plot(range(1,9), np.median(all_visits_rms_per_method[method][i], axis=0), lw = 15, alpha=0.4, c='r',
# label='median')
# ax[i].axhline(0,ls='--', c='red')
ax[2].legend(bbox_to_anchor=[1.,0.6], title='')
fig.text(0.5,0.05, 'Zk mode')
fig.text(0.05,0.5, r'Mean Zk value [nm]', rotation='vertical')
fig.suptitle(f'DM-48441: comCam, visit {visit}, N donuts, danish binning x1, x2, x4 ')
Text(0.5, 0.98, 'DM-48441: comCam, visit 2024121100565, N donuts, danish binning x1, x2, x4 ')

The results are really close (tens of nm). We now calculate the RMS difference between average of N donuts with different binning settings per detector-visit. We summarize that as a histogram for all visits:
rms_per_met = {}
for met in ['tie', 'danish']:
rms_per_det = {}
for i in range(9):
rms_per_det[i] = {f'{met}2':[], f'{met}4':[]}
for visit in zk_diff_tie_danish[met].keys():
for method in [ f'{met}2', f'{met}4']:
for i in range(9):
results = zk_diff_tie_danish[met][visit][method][i]['rms_diff']
rms_per_met[met] = rms_per_det
Nvisits = len(zk_diff_tie_danish[met].keys())
# plotting
Nmin = 1
for met in ['tie', 'danish']:
fig,axs = plt.subplots(3,3,figsize=(16,10))
ax = np.ravel(axs)
for i in range(9):
for method in [ f'{met}2', f'{met}4']:
ax[i].hist( rms_per_met[met][i][method], histtype='step', lw=3, bins=20, label=f' RMS({method} - baseline)',
ax[2].legend(bbox_to_anchor=[1.,0.6], title='')
fig.text(0.5,0.05, 'RMS difference [nm]')
fig.text(0.05,0.5, r'Visit count ', rotation='vertical')
fig.suptitle(f'DM-48441: comCam, {Nvisits} visits, <9 donuts>, {met} binning x1, x2, x4 ')

also in asec:
rms_per_met = {}
for met in ['tie', 'danish']:
rms_per_det = {}
for i in range(9):
rms_per_det[i] = {f'{met}2':[], f'{met}4':[]}
for visit in zk_diff_tie_danish[met].keys():
for method in [ f'{met}2', f'{met}4']:
for i in range(9):
results = zk_diff_tie_danish[met][visit][method][i]['rms_diff_asec']
rms_per_met[met] = rms_per_det
Nvisits = len(zk_diff_tie_danish[met].keys())
# plotting
Nmin = 1
for met in ['tie', 'danish']:
fig,axs = plt.subplots(3,3,figsize=(16,10))
ax = np.ravel(axs)
for i in range(9):
for method in [ f'{met}2', f'{met}4']:
ax[i].hist( rms_per_met[met][i][method], histtype='step', lw=3, bins=20, label=f' RMS({method} - baseline)',
ax[2].legend(bbox_to_anchor=[1.,0.6], title='')
fig.text(0.5,0.05, 'RMS difference [asec]')
fig.text(0.05,0.5, r'Visit count ', rotation='vertical')
fig.suptitle(f'DM-48441: comCam, {Nvisits} visits, <9 donuts>, {met} binning x1, x2, x4 ')

In conclusion, choosing binning of x2 for either TIE or Danish does not result in a RMS difference from case of no binning larger than 0.1 asec. However, using binning x4 is not recommended as it causes an RMS departure twice as large. Comparing the amount of information in 1 donut pair, increasing that all the way to 9 donut pairs, we note that for brighter mean magnitude (<12 mag), the median RMS departure is < 0.01 asec from the single donut pair to a median of 9 donut pairs. For all magnitude ranges, Danish more quickly arrives at the final answer (less donuts is necessary to achieve the same stability of estimated wavefront).